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How to connect to FocusLXC using SSH?

Quite simple - you'll need to:
- access the Portal
- Use same e-mail and password. If it gives wrong password, recover a password through the system;
- Click on your LXC service;
- On the internal area, click on "Domain Forwarding" and configure a rule to get to your internal LXC SSH, on port 22 by default:

- Original IP - the IP of your server
- Source Port - any port between 50000 and 60000
- Destination IP - your internal IPv4 address
- Destination Port - always port 22.

From then on, you simply do a normal SSH access to vintage.cfld.uk, including the user root, and the Source Port. It will immediately redirect to your particular VPS and the corresponding internal SSH port, and you'll be able to proceed from there. The expected format in CLI is:

ssh root@original-ip -p source-port


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