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What are the C-Servers Safe DMCA Servers?

In a world where freedom is getting threatened each and every day by multiple parties, it's essential to guarantee that everyone is free. 

C-Servers is proud to present the next step on our journey: the Safe DMCA servers. Servers that guarantee your freedom - of rights, movements, and everything. 

Why call them Safe DMCA and not simply DMCA Ignored?

We are a responsible company. And, responsibly, we cannot do like some of our competition - and call a VPS server as "DMCA Ignored" or "DMCA Lenient" when they are in the USA or in France, amongst the most vigilant and hardest countries, for example. That would entirely mislead you - the customer - without any need for it. It's simply not possible on these countries. What is possible though, is to be different, and do different.

"DMCA Ignored" VPS services are something that gives more questions than answers. Because yes, you can ignore a DMCA warning, but: "now what?". And what about all of the usage regarding grey areas, socially excluded regions and free speech? Where does it stand? And how effective is a DMCA Ignored host before the police RAIDs a server and calls it a day?

It's much better to clarify and be as transparent as possible, in the true spirit of open-source - and in the true spirit of freedom. C-Servers stands for both, and always will.

Okay, and what are my advantages with the Safe DMCA servers?

Actually, C-Servers offers several advantages:

  • Disregard of non-valid DMCA warnings. C-Servers knows that the DMCA is an USA copyright act - and laws in the US don't do justice in Europe. American DMCAs are explicitly not valid under European soil, and are merely threats - and most are even badly written and poorly executed. By having the Safe DMCA servers, you have the guarantee that it won't happen to you something all too common to occur - a provider automatically taking down a service without prior warning or time to correct the issue, regardless of the notice being legitimate or not. They are analyzed, and we do reserve the right to take up to 5 days to answer them. This shall give you enough time. And no, no company can reasonably ignore a policy of a company that's forthcoming, only takes more time. Similarly, notices from outside Europe (so, not valid in Europe) don't affect this service as well,  as well as notices from outside of the region the servers are in.

    This is part of the necessary opsec when dealing with these questions, and protects you - the customer.
  • Free speech is ENTIRELY allowed and no service is ever brought down for that. Ensure only that you don't break any German or UK law, and you are good to go. You want to talk about countries freely? Even have a website regarding one or two of these countries? We allow just that. Ensure your website has a CDN, though, in order to protect your free speech and our IPs.
  • Crypto usage is EXPLICITLY allowed. When we have to answer to an upstream like Hetzner, it's obviously not possible to go around terms and conditions. However, when it's our own bare metal, in our own terms, and we can choose... we choose the freedom to do. As long as you are within the Fair Share, you are free to run crypto mining, a crypto node for validations, or anything in between, on these servers. Want to run a crypto website? You're free to do so.
  • Adult websites are EXPLICITLY allowed. And we honestly don't care whether they are 100% illegal in some country. Again: our own bare metal, our own terms, our rules. As long as they are not illegal/extreme (per German/UK law, which includes paedophilia, revenge sex, and unconsenting sex, among others), they are welcome. As with free speech: ensure your website runs under a CDN, in order to protect it as well as our IPs, and ensure you do your opsec well.
  • Grey area usage allowed. You have a type of usage that is not predicted by European law or other terms and you wish to use VPSes for that? You're welcome and unless explicitly told to, you don't need to say us what you're doing. Neither we could possibly know.
  • Seedbox/Torrenting allowed, with conditions. Sometimes we simply want to go around one thing: a provider that has an excellent price/storage ratio, but a poor CPU which simply doesn't cut it for what we want. Other times, we simply can't torrent in our country directly. For these terms, we provide all VPSes with at least two CPU cores, and seedbox/torrenting is allowed, with the following conditions: it must be private (only for you, so not publicly exposed to the Internet); it must be always encrypted, for safety reasons of all parties. While we won't ask unless explicitly necessary, it's essential to comply with these terms. 
  • Tor nodes are allowed, with conditions. Essential as they are to freedom, a Tor entry/exit/relay/bridge is something not allowed by many providers, due to the risk involved. We allow them - however, they must be encrypted whenever possible and at all times, and they can't be used to generate exits for illegal content of which we recieve a DMCA notice, solely for regional bypass. Bear in mind a Tor exit node that violates and has a notice, if the notice is valid in Europe, actually violates two of our terms. 

Ensure you do your opsec correctly and manage your personal risk.



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