Are the bitrates the global bandwidth for all stations, or are they mentioned per-station?
The allowed maximum bitrates are per each radio station/audio feed that you have with C-Servers, for any given plan. For example, on the StreamVoice 96 Kbps plan, which allows up to two station, each station can have up to 96 Kbps to broadcast.
Why do you say the StreamVoice 96 Kbps are directed at mono voice-only content? Can they be used for music as well?
C-Servers does no control over the usage of each customer for any given plan. Our original idea was to create radio/audio streaming plans that focused on a higher-quality allowance of different streams/stations, and 96 Kbps is widely understood as giving a far-from-transparent quality on music broadcasts (depending on the format); however, within the allowed bitrates, you can configure your stations as you wish.
I want to have 4 stations at the StreamVoice 96 Kbps plan. Can the plans be stacked? And therefore can I have four stations?
Yes, absolutely, you can stack them as you wish. In your specific use case, purchase two StreamVoice plans.
Are these services suitable for professional broadcasters as well?
Absolutely. We also guarantee server management and uptime for these.
Are the listeners really unlimited on every plan?
Yes, absolutely. No one wants to have the burden to have a transmission cutting up simply because there weren't enough listeners paid for and, truth is, no radio station/audio streamer knows or is capable to predict at any given moment how many listeners will it have - also no one wants to have a unusually successful stream cut off simply because the number of listeners allowed has been reached. It's 2025, and it's absolutely unacceptable to proceed that way when radio bitrates aren't that big and we live in a Gigabit world. It doesn't make any sense anymore, we believe.
Can I go over the bitrate limit or the space limit for a given plan?
No. Overages are not allowed and if the maximum space is reached, the MediaCP system will by default suspend any given plan until fixed.
What is your system for AutoDJ services?
Our system is based on LiquidSoap.
Can I connect directly on the AutoDJ port to start a live transmission?
Yes, absolutely.
How does geoblocking work?
Geoblocking works by banning countries other than the ones you retain rights to broadcast to. This is managed at the panel level on your end.
Does purchasing this service grant me the rights to broadcast music?
No, C-Servers is a provider and as such it works only as a neutral carrier. You are the only responsible for licensing questions and/or to comply with licensing questions in any given country.
What is the line speed on your plans?
The technical line speed on these plans is provided by default at 1 Gbps; however, we will upgrade to 2.5 Gbps or higher whenever necessary and we'll grow with you and your listeners, so don't worry.
Is FLAC or WAV supported for the StreamLossless broadcasts?
Unfortunately, FLAC or WAV are not supported; however, AAC is much more widely accepted and, at 640 Kbps, it's basically lossless. We cannot recommend HE-AAC or HE-AAC v2 for lossless broadcasts because they change the stereo propagation and attempt to remove and recreate higher frequencies, changing the audio (check "Parametric Stereo" and "Spectral Band Replication").
Can I increase the bitrate on my StreamLossless broadcast to a higher value than 640 Kbps?
Yes, it can be manually configured up to much higher amounts, it's just a default. Send us a ticket should you wish to do so.
What Shoutcast version do you support?
Since no plan of ours starts or stops at 128 Kbps, we are working with Shoutcast Legacy (version 2.5.x), which allows much higher bitrates than the 128 Kbps limit of the free version, starting at 2.6.x. We also do it because SSL certificates are rather easy to be obtained, via CDNs, and as such it's easy to sort out this question. In any case, we recommend Icecast (which we offer in the Icecast and Icecast KH varieties).